May 24, 2021
The weather is changing, and cold mornings are upon us. It is tempting to place our feet in front of a heater or use an electric blanket to warm them up. These changes in extreme temperatures can lead to the formation of chilblains. Chilblains present as red, itchy lumps on the toes that can burn...
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October 19, 2020
This year’s Foot Health Week campaign ran from October 12th – 18th, encouraging people to get back on track – “fit feet for a better you”. This year, the global pandemic has impacted Australians immensely, and the aim of the campaign was to promote foot health, thereby encouraging better overall health outcomes for Australians. 1...
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July 15, 2020
This National Diabetes Week theme is heads up diabetes, focusing on the impact of mental and emotional health for people with diabetes. For those living with diabetes, managing feet on top of everything else can be challenging, especially if diabetes foot related disease is present. Our Geelong podiatrists provide a few simple and practical tips...
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February 26, 2020
Are you experiencing pain in your feet or lower limbs? Sometimes foot pain can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Injury, overuse or conditions causing inflammation involving any of the bones, ligaments or tendons in the foot can cause foot pain. There are many causes of inflammatory pain which can include; Plantar heel...
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October 14, 2019
#1 They keep you active & mobility is independence: We’re talking about the important stuff here: your life, your community, freedom, relationships, health, activity, travel, independence, mobility, and your overall happiness! It’s a tall order, but foot health can help you to live your best life. #2 They tell a much bigger story: Your feet...
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September 23, 2019
Spring is here and we all like to buy new shoes. Our Geelong podiatrists recommend the following steps to ensure your feet stay well-protected and healthy. PUSH – Pushing the back ends of your shoes inwards will tell you how much support your shoes provide. If the back end stays firm, the shoe is robust...
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July 31, 2019
Gait is basically the way a person walks. Podiatrists assess gait to observe how the body parts are moving. An abnormal gait can lead to imbalances elsewhere in the body when moving. Our Geelong podiatrists use gait analysis to study your biomechanics (how your body moves) and the effects on feet, hips, knees, lower back...
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June 13, 2019
The cold weather has arrived and your feet need to be cared for during the cooler months. Our Geelong Podiatrists provide some simple steps to look after your feet during winter: Protect your feet from the cold with clean well-fitting natural fibre socks (cotton, wool or bamboo). Wear well-fitting footwear both inside and outside during...
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May 1, 2019
WHAT ARE CORNS AND CALLOUSES? Corns and callous are a thickening of the surface layer of the skin in response to extra friction on pressure areas of your foot. The development of corns and callous is the body’s defence system to protect tissue. Hard patches of skin are called callouses and if the pressure is...
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April 3, 2019
Different stages of children’s development require different approaches to protecting the needs of their feet. An infant should be kept unrestrained to enable the initial growth of muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves in the feet. If the weather is cooler, adequate fitting socks can be worn to support the foot agility and still keep the...
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