Common problems with aged feet: advice from Podiatry@belmont Geelong podiatrists

February 28, 2019

Do you know someone who is aged and suffering foot problems or perhaps it is yourself?  As people age, they can develop chronic diseases that may affect the feet or impede one’s ability to bend and self-manage routine foot care.  Our Geelong Podiatrists talk about some of the most common issues that can affect the feet and lower limbs of the ageing population.


  • DRY SKIN AND CALLOUSES – As our feet grow older they can naturally develop thick skin known as callous, due to foot function and/or ill-fitting footwear.
  • TOUGH NAILS – Toenails can change with ageing and become thickened, discoloured or damaged. Toenails can become harder to cut or a chronic disease such as osteoarthritis may impede your ability to bend and self-manage your toenails.
  • FOOT PAIN – Foot pain can occur with changes to the bones, thinning of fat pads, decrease in natural arch height and ligaments and tendons weaken. These changes in feet may increase the risk of instability and falls.
  • CHRONIC DISEASE – If you have chronic disease like diabetes, have poor circulation or a neurological condition, you may experience numbness, tingling sensations or sharp pain in your feet. A thorough foot assessment with a podiatrist is required.

If you have any of the above changes to your feet, contact podiatry@belmont and our Geelong podiatrists can fully assess your ageing feet and provide appropriate treatment and advice.  Call us on 52430130.