With back to school only weeks away, our Geelong podiatrists talk about properly fitting childrens footwear

January 6, 2020

A common concern from parents our Geelong podiatrists are continually asked is, “How do I ensure my child’s footwear fits properly?”

Our Geelong podiatrists advise one of the easiest ways to protect your child’s feet is to wear correct fitting footwear.  When purchasing new footwear, our Geelong podiatrists recommend getting your child fitted by a store that offers trained assistants who can fit the correct shoe size and shape.  Always have both feet measured in your shoe fitting store for length and width.  Ask your child to walk, run and jump wearing the shoes in the store and ask them if the shoe feels comfortable around the natural shape of the foot.  Place your thumbs breadth at the end of the shoe and make sure there is sufficient room for the toes to move freely. This may be measured from the big toe or second toe, depending which toe is the longest.  When placing the heel in the shoe, it shouldn’t be fitted too tight or too loose as rubbing and blistering may occur.   Remember to check your children’s feet with growth spurts, as shoes may become too small and tight.

If you have any concerns with your children’s feet or appropriate footwear for your children,  contact us podiatry@belmont Geelong podiatrists for professional and knowledgeable advice on 03 52430130.  Our Geelong podiatrists are committed to keep little feet running and jumping.