Geelong Podiatrists raise awareness for World Diabetes Day (14th of November)

November 9, 2017


The 14th of November marks World Diabetes Day (WDD).  WDD was first undertaken in 1991 and grew in size to the point that it was recognised by the United Nations as an official day in 2006.

The WDD 2017 campaign looks to promote the importance of affordable and equitable access for all women that are at risk or are already living with diabetes. Worldwide, there are over 199 million people living with diagnosed diabetes. There are many more that are living with undiagnosed diabetes which would see the number reach an estimated 250 million.

Diabetes is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 4.7 million people each year (2.1 million of these being women) Many of these deaths happen in areas of lower socioeconomic standing due to a lack of treatment and care being available. Women living in developing nations are at a gross disadvantage due to the patriarchal structuring of the areas of which they are living in. Women that are pregnant and also living with diabetes in these areas are prone to complications while giving birth  which can lead to death of the infant or death of the mother.

Diabetes and Women 

  • There are over 199 million women living with diabetes
  • Women living with diabetes are ten times more likely to develop heart disease
  • Women with Type 1 Diabetes have an increased risk of miscarriage or having a child with malformations
  • 1 in 7 births is affected by gestational diabetes
  • Approximately half of women that have gestational diabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 5 to 10 years of giving birth

Diabetes and Adults 

  • 1 in 11 adults have diabetes (over 9% of global adult population)
  • 12% of global expenditure is spent on diabetes
  • Three quarters of people with diabetes live in low and middle income countries

What can be done?

  • It is estimated that up to 70% of type 2 diabetes could be prevented through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Including a mix of healthy eating and consistent exercise
  • Health patterns are developed in the adolescent stage of living, meaning that as parents it is important to create a healthy environment for children to replicate in later life
  • Be sure to have health checks to monitor likeliness of diabetes
  • If you are living with diabetes, work hard to manage it as when coupled with a healthy lifestyle it can have less toll on your livelihood than you may think

Any queries or concerns? Feel free to contact us!