Mitigating infection risk for COVID-19 at podiatry@belmont

All standard infection control measures as outlined by Australian Podiatry Association current infection control guidelines should be followed. Additional measures include:

  • If you are unwell, have a runny nose, sore throat or fever, please reschedule your appointment by contacting us on 5243 0130.
  • The provision of alcohol-based hand rub (60 – 80% alcohol v/v ethanol or equivalent) at the waiting room entrance so patients (and staff) can decontaminate their hands as they enter.
  • Education of all staff on the importance of hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.  Podiatrists to complete Department of Health Infection Control Module “How to protect yourself and the people you are caring for from infection with COVID-19″.
  • All podiatry practitioners and reception staff will wear a surgical mask and change masks at regular intervals.  Podiatry@belmont prefers patients to wear a mask in the waiting area and during treatment.
  • Displaying posters and signage on COVID-19 symptoms and hand hygiene / respiratory hygiene around the practice.
  • Reception area surfaces and waiting room chairs to be wiped down in between clients.  Reception staff to wear gloves when wiping down surfaces.
  • Any staff with a fever, sore throat and cough should not attend the clinic and complete a Rapid Antigen Test or PCR test.
  • A sneeze screen has been installed at reception and encourage clients to keep 1.5m distance.
  • All deliveries are left at the reception door and drivers are requested not to enter the building.
  • All health practitioners and reception staff have received full COVID-19 vaccination including booster.
  • We encourage all health practitioners to complete a Rapid Antigen Test on Monday morning before the commencement of clinic.

Further information

Further information can be found on the Victorian Department of Health website.